–slows down the aging process of cells and improves their nutrition;
–stimulates immunity, participates in protection -against viral and bacterial infections;
–improves tissue regeneration;
–stimulates the formation of capillaries and improves tone, vascular permeability;
–improves blood circulation;
–protects the skin from ultraviolet rays;
–participates in the synthesis of hormones;
–reduces the formation of scars, scars on the skin;
–protects against bladder cancer;
–protects against prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease;
–reduces body fatigue;
–helps to lower blood sugar;
–helps the normal functioning of the muscles.
Vitamin E has a particular positive effect on pregnancy and the reproductive system.
Vitamin D is a group of biologically active substances,
which are formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the skin and enter the human body with food.
Vitamin D action:
– ensures normal growth and development of bones, prevents the development of rickets and osteoporosis, by regulating mineral metabolism;
– promotes muscle tone, increases immunity, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland and normal blood clotting;
– helps the body to restore the protective sheaths surrounding the nerves;
– participates in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate;
– inhibits the growth of cancer cells and cells.
– Vitamin D supplemental food products are dairy products, fish oil, fish liver, caviar, egg yolk. In practice, milk and dairy products do not always contain vitamin D or contain only trace (insignificant) amounts (for example, 100 g of cow’s milk contains only 0.05 mg of vitamin D), so their consumption, unfortunately, cannot protect our system’s need for this vitamin.
Oatmeal, potatoes, parsley, as well as some herbs – alfalfa, dandelion greens, nettle and horsetail, also contain vitamin D in n