Vegan Best sleep drop

💥Vegan Best sleep drop

🌱Vegan Sleep Drops provides a blend of amino acids including L-Theanine, which signals your brain to chill, plus GABA and 5-HTP.
It also features herbal extracts like chamomile and passion flower which have a history of use in traditional medicine.
✅Helps promote restful sleep without next-day drowsiness*

✅Supports the body’s natural stress response*

✅Tincture delivery format—no pills to swallow

✅Delicious sugar-free Fruit Medley flavor

✅Non-habit forming

✨FDA Disclaimer
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
comp sd inside
/ As a dietary supplement, take 2 dropperfuls (1 ml) of tincture 20–30 minutes before bedtime or as recommended by your physician.

🌱Hold in your mouth for 5 seconds before swallowing. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING.

🌱Chamomile Extract
🌱Sour Cherry

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